Simple Past Tense - Kelime Bilgisi
06/02/2014 18:21
1. Cümle Yapısı

Affirmative ( olumlu )

I studied English.
You worked hard.
He/She came late.
It rained heavily yesterday.
We enjoyed the party.
You helped a lot.
They got up early.

Negative (olumsuz)

I didn't study English.
You didn't work hard.
He/She didn't come late.
It didn't rain heavily yesterday.
We didn't enjoy the party.
You didn't help a lot.
They didn't get up early.

Interrogative (soru)

Did I study English?
Did you work hard?
Did he/she come late?
Did it rain heavily yesterday?
Did we enjoy the party?
Did you help a lot?
Did they get up early?

Olumlu cümlede, fiillerin past tense biçimi, olumsuz cümlede ve soruda ise fiillerin yalın hali kullanılır.

- I stayed in İzmir for five years.
- She didn't study hard enough to pass the exam.
- Did you stay home yesterday?
- Kısa cevapta did ve didn't kullanılır.
- Did you go to the cinema last week?
- Yes, we did. ( Yes,we went to the cinema last week. )
- Did you visit your friends yesterday?
- No, I didn't. (I didn't visit my friends yesterday. )

2. Nerelerde ve Nasıl Kullanılır?

a) Bu tense'i geçmişte yaptığımız eylemleri, olayları ve durumları anlatırken kullanırız.

Yesterday, last night, last week, last summer, half an hour ago, ten days ago, two years ago vb. bu tense ile sıkça kullandığımız zaman zarflarıdır.

- I became a teacher eight years ago.
- Where did you go on holiday last summer?
- He didn't play football last Sunday because he was ill.
- She left the country a few months ago.

b) Düzenli ( regular ) fiillerin past biçimi.fiilin yalın haline "-ed " eklenerek elde edilir.

want - wanted
stay - stayed
study - studied
shave - shaved

c) "be" fiilinin past biçimi "was, were" biçimindedir.

- I lived in a village when I was a child.
- She was late for work yesterday, so her boss was angry with her.
- We were at home last night.

d) Düzenli fiillerin "- ed" takısını almasıyla ilgili yazım kuralları şöyledir:

1. Çoğu düzenli fiil -ed alır.

talk - talked, govern - governed, roar - roared

2. Sessiz + sesli + sessiz harften oluşan kısa fiillerde sondaki sessiz harf çift yazılır.

grab - grabbed, stop - stopped, beg - begged

3. Sonu -e ile bitenler sadece -d takısı alır.

gaze - gazed, stare - stared, like - liked

4. Sonu bir sessiz harf+y ile bitenlerde - y, - i olur, ondan sonra - ed eklenir.

try - tried, cry - cried, apply - applied

5. - y den önce bir sesli harf varsa yazımda değişiklik olmaz.

play - played, delay - delayed, betray - betrayed

Düzensiz Fiiller için tıklayın.

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