İngilizce'de Yer Edatları - Kelime Bilgisi
10/07/2014 0:19

The cat is on the box (üzerinde)

The cat is by the box (yanında)

The cat is in the box (içinde)

The cat is behind the box (arkasında)

The cat is under the box (altında)

The cat is in front of the box (önünde)


The cat is between the boxes (arasında)


The cat is above the box (üstünde, yüksekte)



IN (içinde)


Belirli bir çevresi olan bir alanı ifade ederken kullanırız. 


  • We are in the dining room.

  • My father is in the garden.

  • I don’t like swimming in the sea.

  • Do you live in Turkey?

  • She is in Ankara now.

  • I am in town this weekend.

  • Is there any milk in the bottle?

  • I am in the car. 


ON (üzerinde)


Belirli bir yüzey üzerindekiler ifade edilirken kullanılır. 


  • The pictures are on the wall.

  • The hostess is on the plane.

  • There are many books on the table.

  • The keys are on the floor.

  • I am on the bus.

  • The shop is on the left. 




Belirli bir yer ifade eden cümlelerde kullanılır.

  • He is at home.

  • The pilot is at the airport.

  • I study at Ankara University.

  • Turn right at the traffic lights.


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